The catcher in the rye timeline
The catcher in the rye timeline

Spencer he does not blame him for failing him since he never did any work.

the catcher in the rye timeline

He fears that Stradlater will take advantage of sweet Jane, and this causes him much distress.Īs the story unfolds, Holden goes to his favorite teacher's house to say goodbye to him. Stradlater goes out on a date with Jane Gallagher, a girl that Holden likes. Holden describes Stradlater as a handsome moron, and poor Ackley, as a pimply faced, loser. We are introduced to Holden's roommate, Ward Stradlater, and their next door friend, James Ackley. Holden cannot stand people who show off and present themselves to be something they are not.

The catcher in the rye timeline full#

The truth, he tells us, is that Pencey is full of phonies. Holden tells us that it is not the first school he has flunked out of, and we can imagine how bad he feels about this fact. It is his last day because he has flunked out of school, failing all his subjects, except English. Holden takes us back to the year before on his last day of Pencey Preparatory School. Holden is disillusioned with just about everyone and everything. The reader feels intimate with Holden because he is very frank and includes phrases such as "you would have loved it" and "You should have seen it." This makes the reader feel as if they are being told the story by a friend. The experiences he tells us about cover a period of only three days from the year before.

the catcher in the rye timeline

This facility is where the reader first meets Holden. He talks directly to the reader as he relates the course of events that caused him to wind up in a mental health facility in California. Holden is sixteen years old and is a unique character. This classic novel centers on the life of Holden Caufield.

The catcher in the rye timeline